Frequently Asked Questions


Questions answered for you.

Not seeing the question or answer you’re looking for? Please feel free to reach out.

  • It is ok to try different things and it is important to learn from actual experience, but college is an expensive place for trial and error. If you have a clear picture of your strengths, your interests, and what motivates you, it is easier to decide what is a good fit and equally as important, what is not. Understanding the information from the Birkman Assessment and Laura Rupp Consulting helps narrow the focus and keep you on track for what's right for you.

  • Many people are familiar with Myers-Briggs and this question is frequently asked. Myers-Briggs is a type-based instrument that looks at who you are in one or another category with no measure of intensity or quantity. Not to mention, it does not identify specific areas of interest or individual strengths. Using the Birkman Assessment we can clearly identify where you interests lie, what your strengths are, and how they are applicable to work. We can see all of this in combination for a total picture of you. This comprehensive information does not use letters or labels to categorize you and provides better knowledge of areas that are a good fit for study or work.

  • The Birkman Assessment and Consultation are suitable for ages 16 and up. Laura Rupp Consulting focuses on students making decisions about college majors and careers as well as enrolled students and recent grads seeking career clarity.

  • School staff are hard working people who are dedicated to helping students. Many are simply not able to give students the individual attention they need. This makes it difficult to get at the specific interests of each student. Laura Rupp Consulting is a good complement to any and all resources provided in high school and college.

  • Applying for and landing a job requires more than submitting resumes. An effective and successful job search is a combination of clarifying your goals based on your strengths and interests, building a strong resume, completing your LinkedIn Profile, networking, and preparing for interviews. Laura will help you strengthen each aspect of the job search to ensure you’re well prepared to find the job that’s right for you.

  • Congratulations on attaining your degree! A college degree indicates that you’re a successful and dedicated student, but employers aren’t hiring students per se, they’re hiring professionals ready for the workplace. While you may have had experiences during college that helped you prepare for life after graduation there can still be gaps in your professional development. To help you move in the right direction Laura provides support that brings clarity and helps you build the resources necessary to successfully make decisions about the future.

  • It’s hard to take next steps when you don’t know where or what they are. Feel free to contact Laura to describe your situation, she will offer suggestions and resources to guide you through the confusion so you can focus your search and move forward.

  • Yes! If you’re unhappy in your current job or looking for something different, let’s talk and explore the possibilities. To discuss what comes next feel free to contact Laura.

Follow your heart, but take your brain with you.